J’y ai également passé 3 jours magnifiques… pour une cure detox et de rajeunissement. Le cadre est somptueux, le fitness et la piscine superbes. Les collaborateurs de la clinique sont très professionnels et charmants… je recommande vivement… |
Tout était parfait. |
Congratulations on the anniversary! We have very warm and pleasant memories of your clinic. Thank you for the invitation. We are also 70 years old, and due to our health condition, we can no longer fly long distances. Congratulations once again and we wish you well-being in all your affairs and in life. |
Congratulations for the 70th birthday of the Clinique. Thank you for all the good you have done around the world and to us in particular Mrs G. de Roland. Auguri per i 70 anni della clinica e grazie per il bene che avete fatto a tanta gente. Un cordiale saluto all’ impareggiabile Signora G. de Roland. |
За 5 дней я получила массу удовольствия от внимания всего персонала, от необычных процедур, нетрадиционных. Они открывают взгляд на твой организм и здоровье с другой . Мягкая диагностика и процедуры – уже выздоравливают . Спасибо огромное . Thank you for a great 5 days. Thank you for your attention, procedures, diagnostics. Everything is at a high level. Hopefully, if the situation is, meet in six months. |
Mon séjour chez vous a été très agréable. Ceci est le résultat d’une prise en charge et du professionnalisme de l’ensemble de l’équipe de la Clinique LEMANA. |
[…] My husband and I were planning to visit your clinic this year. But due to the pandemic covid19, we have to postpone our trip.We hope to be able to travel by next year. |
谢谢博士,原计划今年秋天我们一家会去你们中心,由于疫情原因无法成行,期待疫情早日结束,明年我们可以去瑞士旅游并到贵医疗中心理疗。 |
Bonjour. Mes parents, âgés respectivement de 101 et 97 ans ( 76 ans de mariage), ont fait une ou plusieurs cures dans votre établissement il y a une vingtaine d’années. Ils sont en bonne forme et me conseillent de prendre soin de ma santé (je suis âgée de 75 ans) d’autant que je prends soin d’eux car ils vivent à leur domicile. Pourriez-vous m’envoyer une documentation sur vos protocoles ‘Mieux Vieillir ‘. Merci d’avance. Sincères salutations. Jacqueline V. |
As you ask, we ‘d like inform you about our feeling. Everything is ok. This time we felt better at once next day. A lot of energy, good mood. Thank you very much! |
Mr. … and friends already back from the exclusive treatment and services from your center one month plus from now. They felt satisfactory with your services. |
Очень довольны приемом и обслуживанием! Будем ждать результатов терапии и выполнять рекомендации врача! |
Ich werde immer mit einem Lächeln an meinen Aufenthalt und an Sie zurück denken… Ich habe mich zu jeder Zeit wohl gefühlt. Danke für alles… |
We are very satisfied with treatment in clinic. Our thanks all personal who contacted with us! Everybody is wonderful! |
Très satisfait de l’accueil et du service! Nous attendrons les résultats de la thérapie et suivrons les recommandations du médecin! |
Thanks very much for your email and information. Our clients and me are very happy to be treated in your Clinique and Royal Plaza. Hope we will see you soon. |
Mrs… is very pleased with the services provided by your Clinique. She said that she will recommend your Clinique to her friends and hope to come back soon. |
Thank you for making our stay pleasant and memorable. |
Mr… a déjà rempli le questionnaire en ligne. C’était très bien passée les jours de traitement . Nous sommes très content. J’espère que on pourra se voir bientôt. |
Mr … avait une grande considération envers votre institution et surtout pour la qualité des soins dont il avait bénéficié au cours des séjours passés à la clinique Lemana. |
I sincerely thank to all clinic’s staff for attention and care of me and my son. It was nice meeting with you. I hope that the treatment I have received will be good for me. |
Je suis bien rentré sur Paris et voudrais vous remercier vous et toute l’équipe composée du médecin et toutes les infirmières qui ont été toutes gentilles et efficaces sans oublier vous-même qui avez été vraiment à la hauteur. |
United States
I had a wonderful stay in Montreux …. and was so pleased with the care I received at Clinique Lemana. My room at the Royal Plaza set the stage and I was very relaxed and happy to be there.Patricia, my nurse, was outstanding, and such a sweet, lovely person. I was happy to meet her. Please give her my best regards.Dr. K. was terrific ! She explained everything perfectly, gave my very good advice, and I found her very caring and informative. I wish she could be my ‘forever’ doctor !I was touched by the visit of The Baroness when she visited me in my room. I found her to be so elegantly beautiful and she made me feel like I was a part of the Clinique Lemana family !All in all, I had a terrific stay at the Clinique Lemana and was very happy that it finally worked out that I could schedule my therapy at the Clinique.I really appreciate all the help you gave me arranging this stay, and how efficiently you handled the administrative part of my stay there.Please give my best regards to everyone and all best wishes for 2017 !! |
Everything was very nice , thank you! See you next time, and best Regards! |
Everything was perfect J. Thank you. |
Happy to see your email again! In the first we give the best wishes to you and all the kind staff in Lemana! since the therapy finished we do satisfied with the effect of therapy and definitely we will be back to the clinic at the end of this year or the first three months of next year. Due to my mother’s work in this year is incredible busy, I think we have to finish several pieces of critical jobs before we can meet again! Anyway, we will do our best to see you as soon as possible! |
Many thanks, we are back home safe and sound. Appreciated your help during our stay. |
Hong Kong
Thank you for your email, I have a very nice experience this time with all of you at Clinique Lemana. |
First I would like to thank you and your team for arranging us a very useful trip in Montreux, no only for our health but very nice sightseeing also. we are all satisfied with your Therapy. |
Viet Nam
Jenny and I thank you for your fine service. Our regards to Dr. K., nurse Patricia and others, please. |
… mon séjour à la clinique s’est bien déroulé ainsi que mon voyage retour; je vous en remercie. Mon bonjour à tous les membres du groupe Lemana. |
Thanks so much for your assistant, Ms — was very pleased with all the arrangement. |
It’s a great pleasure to meet you, the Managing Director, and all other nurses of Clinique Lemana. We had a wonderful time staying with you and just came home in Tokyo two days ago. We are already feeling to go back to the beautiful Montreux as soon as possible. Thank you! |
Thank you for your care! We were too glad to be in dear for our heart Clinic. We thank wonderfull personal, Doctor K. We feel very well, thank! We wish you all the best! |
Après nos 2 traitements en 2005 et 2007 : bien être réel ressenti ! Nous espérons revenir au plus vite.Merci de l’intérêt que vous portez aux patients qui viennent se faire “dorloter ” dans votre merveilleux établissement! |
I would like to thank you for a most successful medical visit at the clinique Lemana.All members of your staff have given us a most excellent experience and Dr K.’s support and care has made your clinic a second home to us.We are looking forward to our next visit. |
C’est grâce a la Clinique Lemana que ma maman a pu retrouver la santé, une première fois en 1977, suite au terrible accident qu’elle avait subi a Montréal en 1976. Elle avait été soignée à l’époque par le Dr. Pfister lui-même. |
Mr … has backed and he is pleased with the treatment he had. One of my friend is also interested. |
Je recommanderais cette cure. |
You may be sure that I will try to make that visit it as soon as possible because I always were very happy with your kind and efficient attention as well as of the results of the treatment. |
Merci pour les excellents services offerts lors de mon séjour! Je suis très contente des résultats. |
Je suis bien rentré sur Paris et voudrais vous remercier vous et toute l’équipe composée du médecin et toutes les infirmières qui ont été toutes gentilles et efficaces sans oublier vous-même qui avez été vraiment à la hauteur. |
After staying a few days in Clinique Lémana, last September 2020, I would like to Thank you and your team for your patience, professionalism, hard work, and commitment to excellent medical health care.I’m seeing great improvement in my physical and emotional stability. |
[…]Merci encore mille fois de votre accompagnement si chaleureux vous et votre entourage. J’ai passé une excellente excursion à Lausanne avec Larissa. Au point de vue santé, je sens déjà une petite amélioration: sommeil un peu moins perturbé, plus d’énergie et moins de souffrance. Je vous félicite sur la compétence et l’efficacité avec laquelle vous gérez cette clinique. Merci encore et bien affectueusement. |