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Questionnaire – Epigenetic Test

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    Consumption of fruits and vegetables

    1. Fruits - frequency

    On average, how many days a week do you eat fruits or drink fruit juice?

    Indicate the number of days per week (one digit between 0 and 7).

    2. Fruits - amount

    On those days, how many servings of fruit or fruit juice do you eat/drink on average? One serving is about the size of a fist, or on apple, pear, etc. For fruit juice, one portion corresponds to about 2 dl.

    Indicate the number of portions per day (one number between 0 and 20).

    3. Vegetables - frequency

    Usually, how many days a week do you eat vegetables or salads or drink vegetable juices ? Not counting potatoes.

    Indicate the number of days per week (one digit between 0 and 7).

    4. Vegetables - amount

    On those days, how many servings of vegetables, salad or vegetable juice do you eat on average?
    One portion is about the size of a fist, or a tomato, a large carrot, etc. For vegetable juice, one portion is about 2 dl.

    Indicate the number of servings per day (a number between 0 and 20).

    Consumption of tobacco and similar products

    5. Actual tobacco

    Do you currently smoke? « Yes » means a minimum of 1 cigarette/cigarillos/heated tobacco product/ e-cigarette per day or 1 cigar/pipe/shisha/marijuana per week for one year.

    Yes, I smokeNo, I do not smoke

    6. Actual tobacco: frequency and amount

    If you smoke, please specify which product you currently smoke, for how long and in what quantity.

    How many years have you been smoking?

    How often do you smoke on average? Specify the number of units.

    1. Cigarette

    per day

    2. Cigarillos

    per day

    3. Pipe

    per day

    4. Heated tobacco product (e.g. IQUOS, Ploom, glo…)

    per day

    5. Shisha

    per week

    6. Marijuiana

    per week

    7. Cigar

    per week

    8. Electronic Cigarette



    7. Past tobacco

    Have you ever smoked in the past? « Yes » means a minimum of 1 cigarette/ cigarillos/ heated tobacco product/ e-cigarette per day or 1 cigar/pipe/shisha/marijuana per week for one year.

    Please answer this question if your current consumption has changed from your past consumption.

    Yes, I smoked in the pastNo, I never smoked

    If the answer is “yes”, go to question 8; if not, go directly to question 9.

    8. Past tobacco: frequency & amount

    If you have smoked in the past, please specify which product you smoked, for how long and in what quantity.

    How many years have you been smoking?

    How often do you smoke on average? Specify the number of units.

    1. Cigarette

    per day

    2. Cigarillos

    per day

    3. Pipe

    per day

    4. Heated tobacco product (e.g. IQUOS, Ploom, glo…)

    per day

    5. Shisha

    per week

    6. Marijuiana

    per week

    7. Cigar

    per week

    8. Electronic Cigarette



    9. Past tobacco

    How many years ago did you quit smoking?
    Please specify in number of years; If you quit less than a year ago, score 1.

    I do not know

    Alcohol consumption

    10. Alcohol - frequency

    Usually, how many days a week do you consume one or more alcoholic beverages?

    Indicate the number of days per week (one digit between 0 and 7).

    11. Alcohol - amount

    When you consume an alcoholic beverage, how many drinks do you usually take?
    A standard drink corresponds to about 3 dL of beer (5% vol.), 1 dL of wine (12.5% vol.), 4 cL of liqueur (30% vol.), 2 cL of strong alcohol (55% vol.).

    Physical activity

    12. Moderate physical activity

    During a typical week, how often do you engage in moderate physical activity (causing mild shortness of breath) such as dancing, gardening, fast walking, etc.?

    Indicate the number of days per week (one digit between 0 and 7).

    On these days, on average, how long are you active?

    13. Intense physical activity

    During a typical week, how often do you engage in intense physical activity during which you are out of breath or sweating?

    Indicate the number of days per week (one digit between 0 and 7).

    On these days, on average, how long are you intensively active?

    14.1 Are you regular on your physical activity (duration, intensity, type of activity) from one week to the next? (Only 1 answer)
    Yes, absolutelyRather yesRather noNo, not at all

    14.2 How long have you been practicing in the current way? (Only 1 answer)
    Less than 1 month1 month to 6 monthsMore than 6 months

    14.3 What corresponds most to your activity in the following proposals... (Only 1 answer)
    Endurance and cardio exercisesMuscle building and high intensityFlexibility and deep muscle buildingEquivalent combination of these types of activitiesNone of these proposals

    14.4 How many times a week are you reaching your physical limits? (Only 1 answer)
    Never or very rarelyOnce a weekOnce a week

    14.5 Do you think you have a rather fast or slow metabolism? (Only 1 answer)
    Rather fast (it is hard for you to gain weight)Normal (your weight is stable)Rather slow (you gain weight easily)


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    CH – 1801 Le Mont-Pèlerin
    A 60-minute drive from Geneva

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