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flowers in front of Lake Geneva and the mountains of the Alps.
A Fresh Face on the Heights of Lake Geneva!
Treat yourself to a 5-star facial revitalization and rejuvenation treatment using stem cells

A Fresh Face on the Heights of Lake Geneva!

flowers in front of Lake Geneva and the mountains of the Alps.
Treat yourself to a 5-star facial revitalization and rejuvenation treatment using stem cells
The Mirador Resort and Spa, a 5-star hotel on the shores of Lake Geneva

A unique setting dedicated
to the regeneration
of body and soul

Located between Lausanne and Montreux and overlooking Lake Geneva, Health Center Clinique Lémana is nestled in the heart of the Lavaux vineyard, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Within the 5-star luxury Mirador Resort & SPA, Clinique Lémana offers facial rejuvenation and revitalization treatments; an ultimate Swiss experience!

The marks of time disappear, giving way to new, younger, radiant skin.

Customized facial
aesthetic medicine treatments

Clinique Lémana has been offering anti-aging medicine for several decades now, and enhances its revitalization programs with a tailored offer of aesthetic medicine.

Our facial stem cell rejuvenation treatment will give you a fresh face, and you can also choose from a variety of other anti-aging injections, including Botox®, hyaluronic acid, PRP or thread lifts.

How do stem cell injections work?

1. Collection

We take approximately 150 cc of fat from an area previously agreed between you and the doctor. This procedure is done under general anesthesia.

2. Laboratory

We analyze the fat sample in our specialized laboratory in order to extract the precious stem cells.

3. Injection

We carry out stem cell injections. A session lasts approximately 30 minutes, but this length varies depending on the number of areas to be treated.

At the end of the session, the face may show some redness, which a little makeup will easily camouflage. This redness will disappear on its own the next day.

After the treatment, success is assured with naturally glowing skin!

The regenerative power
of stem cells for the rejuvenation of your face

Les cellules souches ont le pouvoir de se transformer en n'importe quelle autre cellule

The power of stem cells

A stem cell is a cell in the human body that has the capacity to transform into any other cell: neuron, heart cell, blood cell, skin cell, etc.

Adults naturally have stem cells in various organs and tissues. They serve to renew and repair damaged or destroyed cells.

the effects of stem cell injections on the skin

The future of anti-aging medicine

The collection and reinjection of autologous stem cells are the future of anti-aging aesthetic medicine. This process uses your own body’s natural resources to regenerate the skin and slow down its aging.

Your skin renews itself, producing more collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and many other molecules that make the skin beautiful. The blood flow irrigating the tissues is cleansed.

Our stem cell facial rejuvenation treatment?

When stem cells are injected into subcutaneous tissue, new skin cells form. After 3 to 4 months of cell regeneration, you will notice:

  • Reduction of deep wrinkles

  • Disappearance of fine lines

  • Fading of dark circles, dark spots and scars

  • Restoration of facial fat volumes

  • Firming of the face’s oval, chin and neck

  • Improvement in skin tone and texture

By tapping into the tremendous potential of stem cell rejuvenation, you will slow down the natural aging process of the skin.


Stem cell facial rejuvenation therapy does not pose a health risk in the event of a particular pathology.

Although the stem cell extraction process is carried out in a laboratory, in sterile rooms, and rigorous safety conditions guarantee the absence of micro-organisms, bacteria, viruses and parasites, our stem cell facial rejuvenation therapy is still contraindicated if you have certain health conditions, including HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis.

Facial rejuvenation using stem cells in practice

Stem cell facial rejuvenation therapy is carried out over the course of a 5-day stay covering all stages of the treatment: fat sampling, stem cell extraction, and injections.

During this time, you will be staying at the five-star Mirador Resort & SPA hotel and can enjoy its relaxing facilities between our treatments.

Discover the 5-day program below:

Health check

Day 1

Arrival at the Mirador Resort & Spa hotel
Welcome to the Clinique Lémana

Revitalised at the Lémana clinic

Day 2

  • Medical consultation with our doctor specializing in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, in charge of your operation. During this visit, you will have a blood test and a full medical check-up.
  • Fat sampling in the operating room, under general anesthesia or local sedation (according to patient’s choice). The sampling area will have been defined beforehand between you and the surgeon.
  • The fat sample will then be sent to the laboratory.
a unique place dedicated to regenerating body and soul

Day 3

  • Extraction of stem cells in the laboratory.
  • Shipment of stem cells ready for injection to the Clinique Lémana.
  • Possibility of organizing a shopping tour of luxury watch boutiques and other major Swiss brands or of taking full advantage of the wellness areas of the Mirador Resort & SPA hotel.
Detox treatment using natural ingredients

Day 4

  • Stem cell injections in areas previously defined with the surgeon during the original consultation.
  • This cosmetic procedure is performed after the administration of an anesthetic cream.
lake leman cruise

Day 5

  • Post-operative medical consultation with the surgeon and delivery of a certificate, if storage of remaining stem cells is planned.
  • End of stay.

Our stem cell storage options for future use

After extracting the stem cells, you can use them immediately or keep a portion of them in the bank for future use in 10 or even 30 years for another facial rejuvenation therapy.

At the end of your stay, you will receive a certificate specifying the number of stem cells collected, the number of cells remaining and the retention period.

Storing stem cells for future use

Storing stem cells for the future

Cell therapy is experiencing unprecedented acceleration and the regenerative power of stem cells holds the promise of major medical progress, with possible new treatments for immune, metabolic and hematological diseases.

This is why Health Center Clinique Lémana suggests that you store your stem cells in a dedicated laboratory bank for up to 30 years.

Dr. Alfred Pfister is behind the regeneration treatment offered at the Health Center Clinique Lemana
We aim not so much to add years to your life as to add quality of life to your years.
Dr Méd. Alfred Pfister

At the forefront of anti-aging medicine for 70 years

Founder of the Health Center Clinique Lémana in 1952, Dr. Pfister was a pioneer in cell therapy research, having discovered a patented solution making it possible to preserve the vitality of the collected cells.

This advance, recognized by many celebrities for several decades, positions Clinique Lémana as the No. 1 and most reliable center of expertise in the field of anti-aging therapy.

Dr. Pfister’s work has lasted for 70 years and continues to grow. While its motto has remained unchanged since 1952, Clinique Lémana constantly updates its care offering in line with the latest medical and technological advances.

Excellence at the heart of our mission

Stefania Salvati
Geneviève de Roland
Dr Chami Nicolas
Virginie Python

The main mission of Clinique Lémana is to ensure you have a medical, personalized and exclusive stay during which you will be surrounded by an attentive and caring team who will listen to your needs.

Our care has always been based on human values, with a multidisciplinary team offering comprehensive care under 24-hour medical supervision.

Excellence, discretion and confidentiality remain unparalleled Swiss values at Health Center Clinique Lémana.

The Swiss flag

Your heart-warming testimonials

Positive testimonials
I feel energetic and younger. Thank you for these 5 wonderful days. Thank you for your attention, your procedures, your diagnoses. Everything is at a high level.
My nurse was such a sweet and adorable person that I would like her to be my doctor “forever”! I was very touched by the visit of the Baroness when she came to see me in my room. She made me feel like I was part of the Clinique Lemana family!
My stay with you was very pleasant. This is the result of the care and professionalism of the entire Clinique Lemana team.

Frequently asked Questions

Are the effects of stem cell therapy injections permanent?

Yes and no! Yes, because with stem cell facial rejuvenation therapy, your face will always look several years younger than your actual age. The effects of rejuvenation will not suddenly stop and there will be no visible return to your initial age. However, this technique only slows down the aging of the skin, it does not stop it entirely.

Does this injection method pose any risks?

The risks are minimal, because the stem cells come from our own body, eliminating any risk of rejection or allergy. In addition, the cells do not undergo any processes that could alter their ability to differentiate.

However, as with any injection, there are risks of infection. Infections are more common when injections are performed by unqualified people, using poorly sterilized equipment, or people who are unfamiliar with the physiology of the face. This is why it is strongly recommended to have these aesthetic medicine procedures carried out by a facial medical specialist, in a reputable and high-quality institution.

Could I have an allergic reaction to the injections?

These micro-injections, carried out using thin cannulas, are entirely painless and without risk of rejection or allergy since the injected stem cells come from your own body.

Won’t I look too young right after the injections?

No. You will start to see the first effects only a few weeks after the injection session. The skin then gradually becomes more beautiful, day after day.

Request a commitment-free offer

Download our guide to anti-aging facial aesthetic medicine procedures performed at Health Center Clinique Lémana .

Vue aérienne de la clinique Lémana

Enjoy the exclusive experience of facial rejuvenation treatments in one of Switzerland’s most iconic settings.


Health Center Clinique Lémana
Chemin de l’Hôtel Mirador 5
CH – 1801 Le Mont-Pèlerin

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