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Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic body massage – more than just wellness

Therapeutic massage differs from other “wellness” massages in its healing power. Depending on your needs, it will use different techniques. Indeed, therapeutic manipulations are able to relieve various pains.

What does therapeutic body massage do?

This personalized massage aims to relax, stimulate and even relieve and heal pain that may affect the body.

Particular attention is paid to the muscles and their recovery system. Yet therapeutic massage also has an effect on the skin, on blood circulation, the nervous system, the digestive system, the heart, the renal functions, etc. Depending on your specific needs, our therapist will direct the massage to perform a specific therapeutic action.

The positive effects

In addition to providing genuine relaxation, it is particularly effective against physical discomfort caused by stress or physical activity, whether professional or sporting. It relieves back pain, soothes tension and muscular pain, prevents insomnia and awakens energy.

It is for everyone, but particularly for athletes who want to recover after an effort.

More information about our therapeutic body massage

  • Targeted therapeutic action according to your needs
  • Particularly recommended for recovery after an intense physical effort
  • Use of natural ingredients carefully selected by our certified practitioner
  • Duration of the massage: between 60 and 90 minutes according to your desires
  • Frequency of massage: variable according to your recovery needs
Under no circumstances can the information and advice offered be a substitute for a consultation or a diagnosis made by a doctor or a health professional, who are the only ones able to adequately assess your state of health.
Therapeutic massage
Therapeutic body massage

Complementary treatments to Anti-aging medicine

The associated Anti-aging treatments, as well as the best therapeutic massages, are reserved exclusively for our clients undergoing treatment at the Clinic.

Additional Anti-aging treatments

In association with our Revitalization and Anti-Aging Treatment, Health Center Clinique Lémana offers you a selection of innovative treatments based on the latest medical and technological discoveries.

Enhance beauty, health and Well-being
Restores your natural balance
Promotes cellular harmony. Available nowhere else in Europe!
Proven efficacy
Natural antiwrinkle treatment!

Boost your wellness with our therapeutic massages

Discover our other traditional therapeutic massages, exclusively reserved for our clients in the Revitalization and Anti-Aging Cure at the Health Center Clinique Lémana.

Massage of the reflex points of the foot
Abdominal massage based on traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Japanese face massage

Our Detox massages

Discover our detox messages combined with our detox treatment:

Slimming and energizing abdominal massage
A technique for decongesting tissues and evacuating toxins


  • Consultations with specialists
  • References
  • Accommodation
  • Fees


Health Center Clinique Lémana
Chemin de l’Hôtel Mirador 5
CH – 1801 Le Mont-Pèlerin

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